Can I Develop Psychic Abilities?

Notes From the Universe is an ongoing series of blog posts based on chosen prompts and co-created with the Universe.

Prompt: Can I Develop Psychic Abilities?


Psychic abilities are naturally present and available to every human being who exists, has ever existed, and ever will exist. It is as natural a gift as breathing, thinking, and beating your heart. In fact, we are all connected by mind, as One, every minute of every day, in an endless array of thoughts and inspirations and gut feelings. The problem is that most people do not recognize their own psychic abilities because they have placed so many blocks and filters over their own incoming thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

So while hearing the Universe clearly ultimately requires a self-loving, clear heart and mind, most people view their own thoughts through a series of funhouse mirrors. The same thought can come in to two different people as a pure thought from the Universe, and each will translate and interpret it differently based on her own life experiences and filters.

So while hearing the Universe clearly ultimately requires a self-loving, clear heart and mind, most people view their own thoughts through a series of funhouse mirrors.

So for example, imagine two people receive the thought: It would be so much fun to install a small hydroponics garden kit in my office at work.

A person who has removed their negative filters of fears, doubts, and distortions might then think: “That would be fun, wouldn’t it! I could have fresh tomatoes and basil with my lunch every day! It would brighten my office space and make clients feel more comfortable. It would be a conversation piece. My coworkers would love it, too! I could share what I grow. Maybe some of my coworkers would be inspired to do this too, and we could trade different produce. I would love the smell of fresh basil growing in the corner. There’s plenty of sun in here if I rearrange the room a little. Or maybe artificial lights could do the trick. I think I could get my company to pay for it if I use my office supplies budget.” These thoughts might be accompanied by an excited feeling of expansion within the body.

A person who has not spent as much time confronting their negative limiting beliefs, doubt, fear, and shame, might receive the exact same thought about installing a small garden in their office and think: “That would be cool. But I can’t do that. There’s not enough room. It wouldn’t fit. It would take so much time to take care of it. People would laugh at me. It’s probably too expensive anyway. And what would I do if I went on vacation? The only empty spot in my room is the dark corner away from the window. I’m not doing that. The boss wouldn’t let me anyway. Nobody else in the office does that, I don’t want to seem weird.” These thoughts might be accompanied by a weighted feeling of disappointment within the body.

These two people took the same pure, unfiltered information that they received from the Universe and interpreted it in completely different ways. They equally received the thought psychically, though one person received it with acceptance and love the other with resistance and fear.

In order to develop your psychic abilities to their best potential, the most important thing you can do is begin to remove all these negative filters and blocks through forgiveness work and practicing acceptance and gratitude. Until you do that, you are unlikely to believe that you have psychic abilities at all. It will be difficult for you to move from receiving inspired ideas to asking specific questions you want the answers to if you are unable to trust the loving information you are already receiving.

In order to develop your psychic abilities to their best potential, the most important thing you can do is begin to remove all these negative filters and blocks through forgiveness work and practicing acceptance and gratitude. Until you do that, you are unlikely to believe that you have psychic abilities at all.

So you see, the issue isn’t that you don’t have psychic abilities, it is that you don’t trust the ones you do have because your mind is in a state of confusion and distortion. Inspired ideas, and neutral true ideas come to you constantly through the mind of the universe, but it is very difficult to hear them underneath filters of fear.

There are examples of outliers who do have more prominent psychic abilities but who have many more filters to remove. In this case, they may have begun to consciously work on their psychic abilities before doing their forgiveness work, though ultimately it is best to do both and you will only get so far doing only one or the other.

Once you realize and believe that it is possible for you to have and develop psychic abilities (and it is!), then you can start practicing the same way you would with any endeavor you are excited about. Practice playfully, as if you are teaching yourself to dance, paint, or build with Legos. Practice in a way that is fun for you and brings you joy. Each person will have their own magical journey through this experience.

Practice playfully, as if you are teaching yourself to dance, paint, or build with Legos. Practice in a way that is fun for you and brings you joy.

Perhaps you are drawn to tarot cards, or the idea of automatic writing or channeling poetry. Perhaps you’d like to sit and meditate under a shady tree in the park and ask questions of the Universe. Perhaps you like to walk in the woods, or to learn with a group in a structured environment. There is no wrong way, and everything you try will bring you closer.

It is important to enjoy the journey of allowing your psychic abilities to unfold rather than trying to force them to, although if you do try and force them, this is not a problem. It merely temporarily makes it more difficult for you (for there is a fear behind feeling you need to rush and be more perfect quickly) by adding another filter that will distort your incoming messages. There is no rush. If you desire and intend to develop your physic abilities and believe it is possible to do so, then you will.

As you progress, your abilities will get sharper, and you’ll be able to put them to more specific goals. For example, many psychics (or they may call themselves intuitives, mediums, clairvoyants, or channels), pose a question to the Universe, or have a question posed to them by a client, and then wait to receive the response. It really is that simple. Once you’ve cleared your blocks and practiced and practiced and practiced some more, you and anybody you’ve ever met can equally develop this skill as masterfully as any psychic you look up to and would like to emulate.

Once you’ve cleared your blocks and practiced and practiced and practiced some more, you and anybody you’ve ever met can equally develop this skill as masterfully as any psychic you look up to and would like to emulate.

We all have our own lenses in the form of opinions and life experiences. These lenses are not negative blocks: they are merely differences of opinion and matters of preference. These will not be a hinderance for you any more than preferring chocolate ice cream over vanilla, or preferring a meadow to a beach. They may be more significant, like a past trauma that has been forgiven and can now be experienced as a neutral memory, or even with gratitude for the understanding it brought about. These preferences and experiences do account for the differences in the way people with developed psychic abilities interpret the information they receive. It does not make any one of them more right or wrong, but they may express the information they receive in ways more specific to their own experiences.

You will have your own lens, your own set of internal models and metaphors through which information from the Universe passes through, and will be able to express the information you are receiving in your own unique and beautiful way. Should you desire to share your skills, this uniqueness will be something that attracts people to you who can more easily relate to your way of seeing things because of their own life experiences.

We will be talking a lot more about this topic, but will leave it here for now. Can you develop psychic abilities? Yes. You are already psychic. Clear your blocks through forgiveness work, clean your filters, and practice. If it is your priority, you can develop these abilities in any way you want, to any level of proficiency you want, at any age, in any circumstance.

In Love,
The Universe