Welcome home.

Are you on a personal spiritual journey? You’re in the right place.

You were born to have fun. Your shortcut to enlightenment is to choose a path of fun.

I’d be honored to help you find your path.
My goal is to create exceptionally fun, effective, and creative resources to help guide you on your spiritual adventure. I’d like to help you develop a personal and intuitive communication with the Universe, and help you experience unconditional love through forgiveness and self-love practices.

My Intentions

  1. I will prioritize my own self-love and demonstrate that self-love is the key to a life of passion, fun, peace, success, and love.
  2. My friends and I will take creative risks to produce the most fun and effective resources we can to help people step into self-love, forgiveness, deep healing, fun, and spiritual alignment.
  3. I will share valuable lessons from my own adventures so that others can apply them as quickly and easily as possible.

My Beliefs

  1. More and more people are going to begin waking up. We need support systems and resources for guiding them, and we need free access to important information that has for so long been taboo.
  2. Everyone has innate self-loving, psychic, and spiritual gifts and the ability to call in a life that they love.
  3. Each of us benefits when another loves himself and succeeds. We are a team of One.
  4. Self-love (aka forgiveness/non-attachment) is the greatest superpower that exists.

Who Am I?

So far I’ve lived a somewhat unusual adulthood (and a wonderful childhood). I spent about a decade after college traveling and working seasonally in beautiful places like national parks and forests, retreat centers, and wilderness lodges. Through these adventures I lived and worked with coworkers and got to experience things and people that most people are never able to.

In 2022 I went through an intense spiritual awakening that completely undid many of my old belief systems. New information rushed in through downloads from the Universe, as fears and limiting beliefs came up one by one for me to address and move beyond.

I love following my emotions to places in my mind so far-flung that I discover new territories in myself and the Universe, into ideas beyond time, where there is only feeling and understanding. I’ve begun a lifelong spiritual adventure in search of the treasures that will feed our souls, and those treasures are well past the limits of our fears.

I’m a very different person than I was before I woke up, although I’ve always loved myself and others. That has only grown. Now, from this new and incredible perspective, I know I want to help people awaken spiritually. I also know I want to do it differently.

I don’t want to lecture at you, I don’t want to make you recite mantras, and I don’t want to pretend I enjoy yoga or have a demure, soft-spoken new-age personality. I want to show you that this is an adventure. The spiritual path is a hilarious sensual wonderland, and it’s time somebody made new tools to reflect that.

That’s my job.

Now it’s your turn.

Is your spiritual growth important to you? Is it your priority? Do you think it’s possible to break the cycle of reincarnation in this lifetime? Is it worth a try?

It’s time to clear your blocks to unconditional love and expand your soul through forgiveness and fun. I’d like to help you learn to do that. The journey through the swamps and jungles of your mind won’t always be easy, but the payoff will be infinite.

Are you ready? All that is required is your willingness..fsdfsf o o r SaveSave