The Mechanics of Soulmate Ascension

Notes From the Universe is an ongoing series of blog posts based on chosen prompts and co-created with the Universe.

Prompt: The Mechanics of Soulmate Ascension

Soulmates come in many flavors and any two soulmates can meet on any point on their path for powerful, rapid learning, healing, and growth. However, depending on the development of the two soulmates, learning can be experienced through pain or through joy. We are talking about the latter.

We are not talking about the painful and chaotic learning experienced by two unhealed and judgmental soulmates that often leads to bickering and fighting, secrets, jealousy, anger, sickness, and addiction in relationships.

We are talking about the incredibly powerful and rapturously joyful opportunities for learning between two soulmates who are (mostly) healed, whole and loving in themselves, and who come together with an intention of honesty, of practicing non-judgement toward each other, and for nurturing their genuine love for each other as their deepest spiritual practice.

When two healed soulmates are deeply in love, their relationship, whether energetic (at a mind level) or physical, becomes a vehicle for extremely rapid ascension. This depth of love blows the heart open energetically, removing from it all dark and shadowy barriers of protection that each person has built up with their ego. It is as if a floodlight is shined into each person’s heart and mind, clearing away dusty shadows and allowing each to see clearly for the first time.

This depth of love blows the heart open energetically, removing from it all dark and shadowy barriers of protection that each person has built up with their ego.

These barriers and shadows are the only things blocking every person on earth from a direct, intimate, loving, and psychic connection with the Universe. When a deep soulmate love blasts through these barriers, the lovers can begin to experience any and all of the qualities one might ascribe to a Buddha or Christ figure.

Each soulmate will begin to love himself or herself unconditionally.

When these incredible new feelings and abilities begin to open up, each party will begin to viscerally understand what Love is, what the Universe is, not through reading facts but through intimate personal experience with the Universe itself as their guide.

Each soulmate will learn in time that he has no priority higher than his own intimate relationship with the Universe and unconditional love for himself, and he will learn it through his extension of unconditional love to another person.

Each soulmate will learn in time that he has no priority higher than his own intimate relationship with the Universe and unconditional love for himself, and he will learn it through his extension of unconditional love to another person.

This will cause a massive and total reversal of each soulmate’s thought system, in which they begin to trust the Universe and stop expending effort trying to create specific outcomes, and growth comes quicker and quicker. This is a spiritual awakening.

Each soulmate will begin to recognize the fact that the love they feel does not come from the other person, but from themselves. This leads to a very important point.

They will recognize that when they are angry at their partner, or judgmental, jealous of, concerned for, or clingy toward, that the love that seems to fade has only faded in their own hearts. However, the love is so incredibly deep and their connection with their lover and the Universe so strong and overwhelmingly delightful, that they are highly, HIGHLY motivated to change their own mind. And that is the only thing that ever need change in any negative situation. They will recognize that it is not their partner they have fallen out of love with, but themselves.

They will see their partner perfectly and passionately as a rose-colored mirror- they will see the truth of who they are as a soul and not a body- so that when any negative feeling mars the mirror, it becomes a perfect signpost to the exact trigger that needs healing within their own mind.

They will cease blaming their partner, cease blaming themselves, cease assigning guilt altogether, and will know in complete safety that a negative feeling is simply a trigger being mirrored to them to heal. And because they want their perfect peace and joy to continue, because there is now nothing more important to them than their own intimate emotional connection with the Universe, they will allow those feelings to come through at their full strength without judging them. This simple allowance of feeling their true feelings is exactly what heals them, and they will love themselves and their partner perfectly once again. They will allow themselves to feel a love stronger, deeper, and more incredible than they have ever dared to feel before. It will be shocking at first.

Universe, they will allow feel those feelings to come through at their full strength without judging them. This allowance of feeling their true feelings is exactly what heals them

They will heal so quickly with one another that they are highly motivated to be completely honest in every situation and extend every loving part of themselves fully to the other. By this extension of everything they will learn that there is nothing they are lacking, and they will see that they are the Universe itself. They will understand viscerally what that means.

They will hide nothing from one another, because they will see that hiding in fear prevents healing and unhealed wounds make it difficult to maintain their relationship with each other and the Universe. They will each become more, not less, of themselves together, because each provides a for the other place in loving and non-judgmental safety for the other to express himself or herself in new ways. They will become vibrant and alive in ways they never thought to imagine.

They will hide nothing from one another, because they will see that hiding in fear prevents healing and unhealed wounds make it difficult to maintain their relationship with each other and the Universe.

There will be no dark and dusty corners or secret compartments which they do not share. In sharing those previously hidden places with one another without judgement, they are healed. They will finally feel seen, loved, and understood. They will feel like they have come home. They will feel complete and total acceptance. They realize there was nothing ever wrong with any situation or feeling except their judgement toward it. They release their guilt and remember they are One. They recognize that they are not separate and never were, and by extension, they are One with the entire Universe.

They release their guilt and remember they are One. They recognize that they are not separate and never were, and by extension, they are One with the entire Universe.

They will recognize quickly that this method of unconditional love, forgiveness, non-judgement, and non-attachment (which are all the same thing) equally applies to every single person and situation they come into contact with, and will watch it bring incredible joy as they apply it. Problems seem to evaporate. Soulmates will learn unconditional love with each other, and they will extend it to every aspect of their life, from health to money to family to career to fun and play.

They will recognize quickly that this method of unconditional love, forgiveness, non-judgement, and non-attachment (which are all the same thing) equally applies to every single person and situation they come into contact with, and will watch it bring incredible joy as they apply it.

They will experience a deep, blissful, and pervasive love that colors every moment and every person and situation they come into contact with. They will experience peace and joy. They will find that they are able to manifest things in a way that seems like magic, that seems genuinely impossible, but that comes with incredible ease and happiness.

They will experience health, abundance, and good fortune. They will come to understand things about the nature of the Universe that help them to see the good in others and to have deep compassion for all. They will be able to converse with the Universe itself, to ask specific questions and receive specific answers, because the answers can only be heard in a state of non-judgement. They will be able to heal others, and others will be drawn to them for this purpose.

Soulmates may not seem like a logical or practical pairing. They will know only through their hearts, and not by the constraints of society. This may be one of the first big lessons in forgiveness and non-attachment that they learn. Learning to trust their feelings over the relentless, confusing, and loud chatter of the ego’s “shoulds” “musts” and “can’ts” is a big step in the direction of opening their hearts to hearing the call of the Universe to come home to love. They will learn to talk to the Universe through their emotions, and not through their “practical” egoic minds, for the Universe speaks in emotions.

Understand that this soulmate love is not co-dependency. Although these soulmates love each other as deeply as they love themselves, they also will remain in a state of love if the physical relationship ends through any means, including (illusory) death. They will recognize that true relationships occur at the level of the mind and not of the body. And being healed, their own individual relationship to the Universe remains strong whether or not their soulmate makes a different decision that might seem painful to an unhealed person. They recognize that the relationship does not end, because time and the physical world are an illusion. They will know this not as a rote fact, but as intimate experience and personal wisdom.

Two soulmates who come together in love will learn to each individually keep their heart open to the Universe, no matter what, by healing every emotional wound through the extension of unconditional love and forgiveness toward one another. Healing emotional wounds and keeping a fully open heart is how one reaches full unconditional self-love and Buddhahood. It need not be done with a soulmate; there are as many paths as people. But to those whose path is to learn the love of the Universe with a soulmate, prepare to say “Oh my God!”

Would you want anything less, or anything more?

In Love,
The Universe