How Beautiful Is It On The Other Side?

Notes From the Universe is an ongoing series of blog posts based on chosen prompts and co-created with the Universe.

Prompt: How beautiful is it on the other side?

It is beautiful but there is no rush to get here. It is beautiful where you are too, and there is no separation between the two.

In your world you can equally be and have everything you want as it is in our world, or your home. Anything you wish is. All the objects and space you see around you now are a metaphor for your emotional state. If you see an object, it is there because it means something to you. And that meaning is whatever you feel when you interact with it or think about it. This applies to literally everything you can experience with your senses.

All the objects and space you see around you now are a metaphor for your emotional state. If you see an object, it is there because it means something to you. And that meaning is whatever you feel when you interact with it or think about it. This applies to literally everything you can experience with your senses.

On the other side, our emotions exist as reality as they occur- there is no time delay. They can be expressed in any way without relation to the specific metaphors of physical form that are available in your 3d reality.

So it is as beautiful here as the mind of the entity experiencing the beauty can imagine. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. You can only perceive beauty on Earth if you have cleared your blocks. And once you have, any form of beauty you want is available to you in any moment.

This is how realities are created. They are created both individually and en masse, so a group of consciousnesses can as easily construct a reality as a single consciousness, which they do together more often as they expand. People with many blocks tend to construct more limited realities that do not produce new creations, but merely “join the bandwagon” of other creations that match their vibe.

As a person or entity grows in his spiritual understanding, he is able to produce greater creations and cooperate with those on his same level. Together the sum of the parts is infinitely greater than any individual mind, and entire worlds come into existence, both in a physical sense and in a more unlimited sense that does not require a dependance on spacetime.

These forms are eternal and beautiful and can be created into infinity at any time by any person. Thus, your imaginings now, even though they may not appear in physical form in your world, do literally exist in the non-material and you can access them, and others can access them. You can access them while in physical form if you are able to remove your blocks and travel with your mind. You can also access them once you are on the other side of incarnation and not attached to your body, for they will still be there eternally.

For example, if you daydream of a landscape of a crystal beach with a strawberry sun and bubblegum trees and sugar sand, this reality literally exists as a mental construct. And all of reality is mental construct. It is hard to believe now, but once you’ve left this incarnation (and even within this incarnation if you clear your blocks), should you wish, you can literally visit that place and sunbathe on your sugar sand and feel warm under your pink sun. Beauty exists as far as you can imagine it.

If you daydream of a landscape of a crystal beach with a strawberry sun and bubblegum trees and sugar sand, this reality literally exists as a mental construct. And all of reality is mental construct. It is hard to believe now, but once you’ve left this incarnation, should you wish, you can literally visit that place and sunbathe on your sugar sand and feel warm under your pink sun.

Some people are unable to experience beauty on Earth because of the blocks and limiting beliefs they have collected like kevlar shields around their minds to protect them from imagined evils that do not actually exist. These people will have much trouble accessing beauty through the filter of gray-colored glasses. To wear rose-colored glasses is a best practice, always. It is not an insult to wear the glasses that will allow you to see the beauty in all things, all creations, and all beings.

Beauty is everywhere and available to everyone at all times, but only those who do their forgiveness work will have access to it. This is not a punishment, but a self-imposed mental prison.

What can you imagine that is beautiful?

You can practice imagining beauty by reading a lovely book that whisks you into another world, if you have trouble using your own imagination. Otherwise you can simply begin by imagining yourself in your favorite place, and you can even change and add details to make the place more beautiful. What feeling do you experience in this place? Happiness? Is it warm? Are there broad-leafed trees swaying in the breeze? Does sunlight filter down onto a flowered meadowland and a stream that glitters with rubies? Or perhaps your beauty is a sheepskin rug next to a fireplace in a small cabin, and the smell of woodsmoke as you lay with your lover under blankets on a stormy winter night.

Whatever you have imagined, it is. You can visit this place in your mind at any time, and do not doubt that it is there. For now, perhaps, you can not perceive it with your senses and thus doubt its existence, but there will come a time when you realize that to perceive something with your senses is not a requirement for its existence.

Whatever you have imagined, it is. You can visit this place in your mind at any time, and do not doubt that it is there. For now, perhaps, you can not perceive it with your senses and thus doubt its existence, but there will come a time when you realize that to perceive something with your senses is not a requirement for its existence.

In the same way, a group of entities may build (imagine) something together that is more profound than one could do alone. These are beyond your comprehensions and cannot be explained without metaphor, so we will use the metaphor of a grand city. Take Rivendell of Lord of the Rings, the grand city of the elves, and imagine that a millionfold. Imagine it in warm hues and teeming with jungle life and the fantastic creatures of Miyazaki films. Imagine libraries that defy gravity and banquet halls in great diamond mines under the earth. Imagine all the people you love engaged in activities they enjoy and inventing new games high up in the quidditch fields. Put all of your favorite parts of every piece of fiction you’ve ever consumed together in one scene and you can begin to taste a bit of the vastness of the beauty that becomes available when you free your mind, and that is your eternal home, the eternal home of all of us, without physical form. Do not rush to get here, though, for delight is equally available to you every moment on Earth.

Put all of your favorite parts of every piece of fiction you’ve ever consumed together in one scene and you can begin to taste a bit of the vastness of the beauty that becomes available when you free your mind.

May your imaginings bring you joy.

In Love,
The Universe