Notes From the Universe is an ongoing series of blog posts based on chosen prompts and co-created with the Universe.
Prompt: Am I good enough for a spiritual awakening?
Unquestionably, yes.
For many of you this will be hard to believe at a gut level even if you understand it intellectually, but it is literally impossible to overestimate yourself in any regard. Your siblings? You are their equals. Your employers? You are their equals. The person typing this? Her equal. Rockefeller, Freddie Mercury, Gutenberg, the Queen of England, the Dalai Lama? You are equal. Buddha? Jesus? You are equal.
We are all equally important, singularly unique, and together as One. Each of us plays a beautiful and vital role in the everlasting unfolding of life. No mistake you have ever made has done anything but add to the body of knowledge of our one eternal mind, for the benefit of us all.
Are you good enough for a spiritual awakening? Yes. You most unquestionably are. However, subjectively, each of us carries our own beliefs, some of which may not correspond with reality. If you do not believe you are the equal of Jesus or the Buddha or any celebrity or personal acquaintance you put on a pedestal, you are carrying an incorrect belief, and in your own experience of reality, it must be true. So in order to “become” good enough, there is nothing you must do but begin to change your belief to match reality, which is that you are already good enough.
In order to “become” good enough, there is nothing you must do but begin to change your belief to match reality, which is that you are already good enough.
An enlightened person will have integrated this knowledge, that is the only difference. An enlightened person loves herself so much that she believes “I am god, and so is everyone else.” She believes this to her core. She has full love and trust in herself and her inner voice and convictions. She has the full knowledge of her own divinity, and sees no person as more than or less than her. She can fully admit her own power, while simultaneously believing in everyone else’s, and she feels uplifted rather than threatened by this.
She cannot be rattled if someone else does not see her value, does not think she is good enough, because she knows that she is. On top of this, she can see in others the perfection of their souls that they cannot see in themselves. There is no doubt in her mind that each of us carries a Christ and a Buddha within us, that each of us from warlord to vilified CEO to stressed out suburban soccer mom to toddler cooing at a butterfly to visionary social leader are equally worthy of and able to give and receive love in unlimited measure. She chooses to see the best in herself and everyone else, rather than the worst.
It may be your gut reaction to say, “I am no saint. I am no Jesus. I am no Buddha.” But if you have them on such a high pedestal, take their word for it. They say you are their equal, why not believe them? They see the Christ and the Buddha in you as well, right now, no matter how badly you think you’ve strayed from your image of perfection or how harshly you judge yourself for something that they see as quite minor.
Forgive yourself and begin to taste what it feels like to say, “I am Christ. I am Buddha. I am God”, even if only in your own mind. Taste those words until you grow accustomed to them and begin to believe them. Swirl them around in your head and sit through the discomfort and awkwardness you feel. It is not bad or blasphemous for you to think these thoughts. It is necessary. Start practicing. How do you think you will “become” as good as them if you refuse to believe you can possibly be?
Jesus, Buddha, and any other ascended master were just regular people, as you. Regular people on Earth who made mistakes, hurt feelings, and came into their own self-love in their own time and way. They were on soul journeys just like everyone else.
They prioritized their own self-love and enlightenment. The best psychics today do the same thing, they prioritize their own self-love. As incredible as it may seem, the powers ascribed to psychics and cave-dwelling gurus and masters like Jesus and Buddha are all available to all of us, literally. Receiving information from the Universe, materializing objects out of thin air, out-of-body experiences, overcoming death, these gifts and infinities more are the natural birthright of each and every one of us and you have access to them when you believe that you do and clear your blocks (fear, doubt, shame, resentment, etc). These gifts are within you now, not when you become more perfect, now.
Receiving information from the Universe, materializing objects out of thin air, astral projection into a new body, overcoming death, these gifts are the natural birthright of each and every one of us and you have access to them when you believe that you do… these gifts are within you now, not when you become more perfect, now.
Everyone, literally every human who has ever existed and will ever exist, is good enough and has these gifts within them. You are good enough. Can you believe that other people could have access to these gifts but not you? Why do you think yourself so unworthy?
You are the only one who can deny that goodness to yourself. On the other side of this incarnation, no entity doubts that. No historical spiritual figure you look up to believes in anything but your own infinite and unfolding perfection. Doubt yourself for a moment, if you must, but do not doubt them. Trust in their love for you as you stumble to find your own, and take it on until your love for yourself matches this level of unlimitedness that you deserve.
For you are truly unlimited. You are anything and everything you desire to be. You are a god on Earth. Not figuratively. You are literally a god on Earth. How does it feel? Can you let yourself believe it?
For you are truly unlimited. You are anything you desire to be. You are a god on Earth. Not figuratively. You are literally a god on Earth. How does it feel?
You and each of us has a perfect soul. While on Earth we can step each day toward growth, but there is no such thing as a perfect human and striving to reach a certain level of “completion” and “arrive” at an end goal of your personality is severely limiting. Nobody has ever arrived. We are always in flux, different from day to day, and even masters never reach a state of perfection on Earth, since no such thing exists.
We love you. Take that love and make it yours. Love yourself, you are the greatest treasure.
In Love,
The Universe